"The world isn't always so bright. There are those that deal with the monsters and keep them in the shadows so we can sleep at night."18+ | Dark Fantasy | Combat & Casual RP | LGBTQIA+ Friendly!Mateus, Empyreum, W15 P53

About Us
"Ya' want to hear about Krystallos, eh? Well from what I 'ear matey they're a group of individuals talented in their own right, from intellect to strength and stamina. They dedicate themselves to huntin' down special Voidsent an' securin' them to contain the threat they may have towards innocents. I 'ear the main goal behind Krystallos is to experiment an' research these Voidsent to find out what makes them tick, how best to defeat them in battle.Their work is crucial in preservin' lives not just of the people themselves but the livelihoods they hold in their homes/cities. This has always been their goal, to have the knowledge an' research so that if anythin' should happen, gods forbid. That the rest of Eorzea and anyone outside it's borders can put their long hard days and nights of research to good use."
Here at Krystallos our aim is to create a safe and encouraging environment! We offer a multitude of activities to our members within the FC including internal and external events! For example;- FC MSQ, both as a whole FC and events for the different units that they can experience as a team and share with others. We have our own Combat system that we use in the MSQ.- Casual RP, planned and random. This is for anyone but we want to provide RP for those who may not be looking for 100% combat. (Plenty of beach episodes!)- Public planned events, like Yule events with gift giving, performances, Date auctions, etc.- Community fun! Where we'll take FC suggestions of public RP establishments we can visit and give business to!- PVE, MSQ progression in parties. Raids, dungeons & trials achievement completion for mounts & titles.- Maps! We do these EVERY Tuesday, currently we do level 90 maps.- We're arranging a team and have open sign ups to start doing savage content.- And so much more!

We would like to build a welcoming community here in Krystallos and as such, rules will apply both in our Discord and in-game. You must agree to these rules to join this Free Company.» You must be 18+ to join this Free Company. While we are not an ERP FC, there will be adult themes with regards to the FC story line as well as some explicit content throughout.» This is a welcoming place for all. As such, homophobia, transphobia, racial slurs, discrimination or hate of any kind will not be tolerated. Any member witnessing these behaviors are expected to report them to an officer with screenshots documenting the event.» You are to keep ERP and NSFW themes to the appropriate channels and will NOT conduct such activities in public spaces. While in public spaces, you are to be a model representative of the Free Company. While this is a new Free Company, our goal is to maintain a good reputation within the RP community.» CONSENT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE IN ALL THINGS. We allow darker themes in this company and as such, there's the off-chance that it might make a member uncomfortable. If a member expresses discomfort in an RP, it ends. They do not have to engage if they do not want. The member will not be pushed, coerced, or bullied into participating in anything they do not want to.» NO NUDES. You're welcome to post NSFW screenshots but images depicting your real self are strictly prohibited. Take that to DMs.» NO LALAFELL NSFW. This is to keep the community safe. There's a very gray area with regards to NSFW Lalafell images and as such they are NOT allowed in this Discord. Again, take it to DMs if you wish to share.

The Director is the leader of Krystallos, he oversees everything and makes sure everyone's doing their jobs. This role falls to Artimeo Maiius, the council answer specifically to him though their duties are their own. Meo gives order and guidence to the Council so they may point to their own people in the right direction. All information eventually ends up in his hands to do with as he see's fit.The only person Artimeo answers to is Faeylyn Khaine if the coffers are running low. (Best not get on her bad side.)
The Council
The Council are a group of people who lead different sections of the Company, each member of the council are responsible for their unit and maintaining their responsiblities. These vary depending on the section but generally speaking they are there to lead and take care of their people. They are there to provide jobs and tasks for their sections to complete but to also make sure comfort is provided.The Council;Intel - Kaoru Maiius
Security - Seven Sinasch
Research - Vacant
Team Captains
These are the Second in Commands of each department, they act as the go between for the members of each department and the department lead. They handle the social aspect of things and take on leadership when the lead isn't present or is off on business.Their role exists to make sure everyone is getting along with each other and make sure that problems are solved and to be approachable by any means nessesary.The Captains:Intel - Cecilia Kagon
Security - Vacant
Research - Vacant
Intel falls under the leadership of Kaoru Maiius, this group of individuals work all over, most act as the eyes and ears of Krystallos. They feed information into the company by being out in the world and getting contacts, they're sent on missions that require a little more stealth than most. Sometimes they're required to be quiet or taking stealth to a different level and donning disguises or identities opposite of their own.This bunch is a mixed bag but they make the most of their odd merry band, sometimes the fight isn't always just about fighting Voidsent up front. It's about those that put the effort in behind closed doors and in the shadows.
The Security are the watchmen of Krystallos, they make sure the base is secure and that nothing interferes with the researchers, council or even the Director's work. Often they're also sent out to face the larger jobs, they're the muscle but also the face of this Company. Escort missions, securing a prisoner or even rescuing a village from Voidsent, you can count on them to be there.They will also aid the Researchers in transporting dangerous Voidsent with wherever they may need to be taken. The safety of our staff is our upmost priority!
Our research team is the best of the best, these are the people that test of Voidsent we get our hands on. They're the ones who give the Security and Intel teams the information they need to fight Voidsent. Especially the special types that the individuals in the field come across. They get their hands on living specimens to experiment on and also get to go out into the field to put their research into practice.Our research means the most to us here at Krystallos, it's the drive behind our organisation.
Interns are the people in our Organisation whom have yet to decide where want to go in our ranks. This is also where we allow members to gain an understanding of how our organisation works. We want people to have enough time to test out each unit and see what works for them and what doesn't.This is also the period of time where we see if you'll be a good fit for our community! We want to make sure you'll feel at home with us and comfortable.

Interested in our leadership? Here's a little bit about each of them and what they have to offer inside Krystallos. You never know who you might be working with.

Artimeo Maiius
Known in the criminal underbelly simply as The Woodsman, this large Seeker has found his niche in the paranormal. He grew up in the harshest of environments making him tough as nails and nigh unshakeable. The Woodsman's brute strength and quick-thinking make him a formidable opponent to those who threaten his company or his family. Artimeo has a near inhuman stamina level meaning he will not stop until the threat is eliminated, or he is.Artimeo has taken the on the helm of Krystallos, his ability to strategize and adapt making him an excellent leader. With his trusted council behind him, there's no obstacle they cannot overcome.Carrd
The Council

Kaoru MaiiusIntel Lead
Having been raised as a deadly assassin, trained in poisons and death this Miqo'te's trade can be deadly to most. Served under the Gang Leader [REDACTED] his skills will most certainly be useful. Though he's through with the life of a criminal he still keeps contacts in that old life. He's also once served as an advisor in [REDACTED] though is slowly leaving that are of expertise behind.Now Kaoru offers his skills to Krystallos as a tracker of Voidsent and the Leader of the Intelligence unit. Though he may be small in stature underestimating this Keeper would be a mistake most take to their grave.Carrd

Seven SinaschSecurity Lead
Nomadic by nature and protective to a fault, this heavy-set father-like Hrothgar has had a busy life as a worldly trader travelling with his large family across the star. Though his family's way of life was fulfilling in its own right, he always held an interest in the paranormal after a frightening encounter as a child. Eventually, he decided to leave his nomadic community and pursue the art of Astrology in Ishgard. Today he is a hyper-vigilant starry-eyed healer with a passion for keeping his friends safe and healthy, and using his culinary skills to keep them well-fed on top of it all.Seven has not only found his place in Krystallos, but he has also dedicated himself to leading the Security unit. Here he can put his healing and survival skills to good use as he works to protect the world (and more importantly, his newfound family) from paranormal threats.Carrd

X'khira NdaiResearch Lead
It might be hard to believe it when you meet her, but this young miqo'te is quite the accomplished engineer and scientist. While she was growing up in the lower decks of Limsa Lominsa she never missed an opportunity to find machines and books discarded by others and by the time she came of age she enlisted with the Maelstrom combat engineers to have a chance at tinkering with the spoils of Garlean magitek left at Carteneau. After taking part in the Ala Mhigan Liberation and the Alliance's mission to Garlemald, X'khira worked as a technology consultant for the Skysteel Manufactory and several small Free Companies.Her experience with Allagan technology and how it can be adapted to counter the paranormal and creatures of the Void caught the eyes of Krystallos and after signing up it wasn't long until she was picked to become the head of research, where she spearheads the development of counter-voidsent technology along with her fellow researchers.Carrd
Team Captains

Cecilia KagonIntel Captain
Cecilia Kagon grew up on the Steppes in the desert living a nocturnal nomadic lifestyle. She can come off as a little cold with her blunt nature and passive facial expressions. A glass of wine, a warm seat, and a furry companion mark her evenings - those that aren't spent gambling. She loves card games, bets, and racing. Ontop of this she is helpful, kind hearted and willing to go the distance for those around her. Also enjoys wearing sunglasses indoors.
What we don't accept in Krystallos.
- Voidsent
- Characters of Voidsent Origin
- Characters with companions that are Voidsent
- Voidsent possessed characters
- Warriors of Light
- Warriors of Darkness
- Ascians
- Gods
- Pre-existing NPC's
- Characters from;
Other Shards / Reflections / Planets / Worlds / Realms / Fandoms / Games (FF or games from other series.)
Interested in applying to Krystallos?! Then please follow the link below and enter an application. Please try to be as detailed as possible if you're unsure on your character yet and are wanting help with lore, let us know!Application.